Marcus Lagré

Marcus has 20 years experience of software development, working as a tester, full-stack developer, Scrum Master, line manager, Agile Coach, and educator. From small, one team Scrum software departments, to large, multinational, 50+ team LeSS Huge organizations.

His main mission is always to make software development as smooth a ride as possible – for everyone involved. Through coaching and education in agile transformations, tweaking established practices, or implementing new ways of working.

Recent long-term engagements

  • Siemens Energy (Scrum Master & R&D Project Manager)
  • SAAB (DevOps Coach)
  • Veoneer / Arrived (Requirement Area Coach & Mentor of Agile Community)
  • SMHI (Agile & Team Coach)

Creator of The Stress Equation

A model and sense-maker for analyzing and discussing work stress on a systemic and organizational level. Read more about the Stress Equation (Swedish).


  • Active Agile Leadership
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • Getting One Team Scrum to Work
  • Scrum At Scale
  • Self-Organizing Teams

Media & Talks

Marcus Lagré
Marcus Lagré
Organizational, Leadership & Team Agile Coach